Monday, October 19, 2009


I was so tired but still had to get up and get going! I've been selling on ebay for the past two weeks so usually now on mondays I ship, nice extra cash for me! Angelina had a good day at school , after was grocery shopping and some supplies for our craft tonite.
We made spooky ghosts, simple but fun. Angelina has become hands on, and lei lei well she wasnt interested until they were finished. I got this I idea from a blog I follow. The girls ran around the house with these making noises and chasing the cat. For some Tot school time I made a laminated card of numbered pumpkins. Sized largest to small. What I had angelina do was copy my pattern on her own piece of paper, also we counted the pumpkins, and I would ask which pumkin was bigger and what number? She liked it, I love anything themed halloween!

items i used + tape forgot to add to picture

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