Sunday, May 3, 2009


Started out good got to sleep in, eddie took lei lei to breakfast and out for lil bit. I went back to bed for much needed rest, to be woke up a few times with calls from angelina's dad. Angelina had a fever, nothing high, next call it got worse, next call he thinks shes having a seziure, I'M FREAKING OUT by now. and upset that fontana doesnt have a freaking hospital and closest one is riverside county which they make gunshot wounds wait. I was livid and told him to bring her as fast as he could to my hostpital in los alamitos. She seemed ok when they made it there, but fever kept spiking. Gloria was so worried she showed up to stay in the ER with me and the akward situation sitting with angelina's dad, for hours. She ended having a mild seizure due to fasting climbing fever and has urinary tract infection due to I guess to many baths. Might be wondering wheres eddie or my sister, mike, grandma, my mom??? well my mom has a drug problem with prescrip. pills were finding out and my aunt and sister went to my moms for a intervention, after she almost commited suicide today, and eddie stayed with lei lei, mike with bear. Well that didnt go over so well, my poor sister couldnt handle my mom and they got physcial with eachother. My sister found her stash and took it and flushed them. I swear when it rains it pours, so much happened today, on top of everthing its my grandma's 79th birthday. I FELT SO HELPLESS TODAY, I couldnt handle my mom situation due to being in the hospital with angelina and helpless that my daughter was so sick and I didnt know why...Just one of those crazy days...please pray for my mom, and pray I dont end up kicking her ass...

my poor sick baby in mask..(her dad in the baclground)


Our Little Family said...

OMG Mandi, I'm SO sorry!! What a weekend!

I really hope Angelina is feeling better today; she'll be in our thoughts and prayers. That must have been SO scary. :(

And, I hope your mom is able to get help. That's so rough.


Anonymous said...

ow mandi ! im so next time.... if you need anything please please please let me know... I hope bina gets better fast and ill say a little prayer for your mom.... (((HUGS)))