Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Since I'm feeling way better! I spent most of the day cleaning and doing tons of laundry. ( I seriously loathe doing laundry!) Poor eddie came home sick seems like he finally got what I had. I put him to bed with medicine. Today was my first day back to the gym and tanning. I FEEL SO GOOD! I did a mile on the treadmil and 1/2 mile on the elipical and 100 ab crunches. For me thats alot especially since I technically still have pheumonia. I'm also seeing some color. I put one of those stickers each time, its a lighting bolt. So bear and angelina think I'm turning into bolt the dog..lol they watch that movie all the time. I used to hate mondays but not so much tonite, even though I know i'll be sore tomorrow :) goodnite.


Sophie's Momma said...

I'm really proud of you. I know it's hard to get in there and do it consistently but you're doing it and it's already paying off for you! Conrats!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo good for you !