Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not so good of a day. well so far

I had a doc appt. for my back and looks like its not getting better but worse. So their sending me to a Neurologist for further help and possbibly some physical thearpy. Also im way overweight and he put me on a low carb diet and easy excerise plan. I already feel hungry ..lol Ive always been a big girl and proud of it but after being pregnant with lei lei i gained so much where im not even comfortable anymore. So today marks a day 1 in this new life of low carb and excerising. Why I blogged about this, is if i wrote about it and people read it then everyone knows that im dieting and need to be. I wont lag or fall off the wagon so easily if i know people are watching and reading my progress. So here we go. I will not write my weight its too embrassing but i will let u know if I gain OR LOSE and how much. I thinking of starting a blog just for this. maybe.


Our Little Family said...

Good luck with the lifestyle changes (I won't even call it a diet!)! You can totally do it. I'll make sure to bring some, hmmm, veggies to scrapbooking on Friday. :)

And, that sucks about your back. I'm SO sorry. Let me know if I can do anything to help, okay?

Amy Snell said...

I second the "lifestyle changes"...I hope everything gets better for you :):) Hopefully your back starts to get better too :):)