Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My sister finally made it to the OC. And their moved it and settled. Life is hectic with this many people in the house but by today things are starting to fall in a routine. I made dinner for everyone last night and plan on doing it this whole week, less mess one dinner, I have the whole week planned out for meals. Plus i get help with the cooking and cleaning not bad! Leilani is sleeping with us til saturday and its such a B****! she's waking up and kicking me, my back is hurting again. argh! Plus my migraines have came back with a vengence. I need to get checked out and go to the docotor, I just dont make time for myself. I'm so tired and exhausted from the kids and migraines. I NEED A VACATION! LOL well now im fantasying..huh

1 comment:

Our Little Family said...

Wow, you guys DO have a full house! We missed you today at the birthday party. :( I miss you!!